
English is taught at Nechells using the Talk for Writing strategy, originally developed for the National Strategies by Pie Corbett and Julia Strong. In Talk for Writing, teaching is implemented at four different stages, these being:

  • Immersion – getting to know a text and its structure.
  • Imitation – identifying what makes the text good and the content.
  • Innovation – making changes to the text.
  • Invention – creating our own version of a text.

Talking is a crucial aspect of our English curriculum, and as such we value the impact that speaking has on our English work. Every term, children are exposed to one poetry unit, one narrative unit and one non-fiction unit.

Some examples of these are:

  • A Lost or Found tale (Narrative)
  • A Defeating the Monster story (Narrative)
  • A Warning or Wishing tale (Narrative)
  • A Rags to Riches story (Narrative)
  • A Tale of Fear or Quest (Narrative)
  • Information texts (Non-fiction)
  • A Non-Chronological report or recount (Non-fiction)
  • Instructions (Non-fiction)
  • Persuasion (Non-fiction)
  • Discussion or Debate (Non-fiction)
  • Poetry

Writing Curriculum Documents:

T4W High Level Plan


Our Curriculum at Nechells Primary

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