RHSE – Curriculum rationale & intent[1]

[1] Please read in conjunction with our PSHE rationale and RHSE Policy and curriculum overview.


At Nechells, Our RHSE curriculum recognises that positive relationships are at the heart of everything we do from managing behaviour to supporting our local community. We recognise how critical it is for pupils to have and maintain positive academic, social and personal lives, including their relationships with others, and how important these are to well-being and life opportunities. Our RHSE curriculum enables children to develop the knowledge, skills and attributes they need to thrive as individuals, family members and members of their community and wider society. Our curriculum, from Early Years, to Year 6, not only provides for the knowledge and skills that children need, but also the behaviours, attitudes and relationships we expect children to understand and demonstrate consistently.

Our carefully selected curriculum content is carefully tailored to meet the needs of our pupils so that they leave Nechells with the knowledge, understanding and skills they need to manage their lives, now and in the future. Our curriculum teaches social skills, grows emotional literacy, encourages self-awareness and an understanding of mental health and personal safety as well as nurturing children’s positive relationships with themselves and others. We recognise, too, that our RHSE provision does not sit in isolation from the rest of our curriculum. Pupils’ learning complements and is complemented by their social, moral, cultural and spiritual development, their understanding of citizenship and through their growing awareness of British values. Our approach is fully inclusive and one that recognises equality of opportunity.

Jigsaw, which is a mindful approach to PSHE, is the main tool that we use to support elements of the planning and delivery of our PSHE curriculum, of which the RHSE curriculum is a part of. RSHE lessons are carefully supplemented to meet current statutory Guidance. Lessons and resources have been tailored to meet the needs of the children and community that we serve and are bespoke to Nechells. In addition, we carefully have considered when content is delivered in an age-appropriate and positive context. Throughout, we have ensured parental and community engagement and voice.

Within our RHSE curriculum we ensure that all of the Health statutory elements are delivered and prioritised. We ensure that puberty is taught in years 5 and 6 in order to prepare our children for the changes that they can expect both emotionally and physically. Language and vocabulary are carefully mapped across our curriculum so that it reflects the needs of our children and community and to safeguard them from risk of harm. These lessons are a statutory part of our curriculum. Parents are informed in advance of when these lessons are due to take place and can view the materials and lesson plans if requested. The children will be taught in same sex groups by experienced members of staff and the school nurse team. In KS1, we use the NSPCC PANTS resources to help pupils understand that their body belongs to them and that they should tell someone they trust if they feel upset or uncomfortable.

We also educate the children on the importance of staying safe – for example, water and sun safety, e-safety and bonfire night safety. All of these key topics ensure that our children are prepared for growing up in Modern Britain and learn how to stay safe. We are supported by resources from external providers including the NSPCC, Our local PCOs and many more. This element of the curriculum is built on year upon year to ensure that knowledge is learnt and remembered.

Following consultation with parents, sex education is taught as an optional unit that parents will give permission for when their child is in Year 6. This will be taught using the Local Authority agreed resources which can be seen by parents before delivery. It is vital that children learn factually correct information to prepare them for life as they will encounter so many myths and untruths from the internet and social media, from peers and often have a natural curiosity. At Nechells, our approach to all aspects of RHSE provides the the knowledge and understanding pupils need in safe space.

Our Curriculum at Nechells Primary

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