Throughout the year we ensure pupils take on the wider responsibility of fundraising for as many worthy charities as possible. We are selective with choosing a varied range of charities and ensure that pupils learn about and are aware of the work these charitable organisations do.

Taking part in charitable activities does not only benefit the charity itself but is also important in developing a sense of citizenship in our pupils – in terms of individual engagement, participation in collective school activities, and engendering a broader sense of social responsibility.

Pupils at Nechells take part in a range of activities to fundraise including making goods to sell, making a pledge, sponsored activities such as a walk/bounce/bake-off, taking part in a non-school uniform day, making a donation, collecting unwanted belongings to donate and other charity specific fundraising techniques.

So far this academic year, as a school community we have raised money for:

  • Macmillan Cancer support
  • Our local Food Bank (Harvest Festival)
  • Children in Need
  • The British Legion (Remembrance Day)
  • Save the Children (Jumper Day)
  • Comic Relief

In addition to fundraising, pupils learn about the work carried out by these and other significant charities.

Our Curriculum at Nechells Primary

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