
At Nechells Primary we follow the proven model of long term athletic development. Our first phase of physical literacy is introducing pupils to FUNdamental stages of movement, this includes enhancing a pupils balance, co-ordination, agility and speed.  

As a pupil moves through the key stages they will be challenged on decision making and a basic understanding of well recognised invasion games. 

During key stage 1 our pupils focus on basic movement patterns, enabling children to enhance their balance, co-ordination and physical literacy. This is achieved through setting movement challenges, and directed learning targets that instil the core foundations that underpins advancing skill, improving understanding and gaining knowledge. 

As a pupils moves in to key stage 2 they will begin to engage in more challenging physical literacy patterns. These lessons are designed to stretch our pupil base, here we will introduce the principles of recognisable games. Lessons are designed to include an element of decision making, information processing and an early understanding of tactics and strategies that pupils may use in team and individual sports. Pupils are also introduced to the benefits of a healthy and active lifestyle and strategies to implement this within their own lives. 

We are proud to offer a range of extra -curricular sports clubs including football, basketball, tennis and multi-skills as well as the opportunity to compete in both inter- school and intra- school competitions. 

We have strong external links with a range of sports clubs including Aston Villa FC, Birmingham Rockets basketball club and the King Edwards Sports Partnership. 

We have a skilled sports coach who supports the delivery of PE lessons as well as leading on our participation, progression and performance programme. 

Our strategy to teach pupils to swim focuses on an extensive sequence of lessons for pupils in years 3 and 4 followed by an intensive top-up programme for pupils in year 6. 

All pupils in Year 5 are offered the chance to take part in a life changing sailing trip set on the beautiful Isle of Wight at the UKSA’s waterfront base. Pupils have access to a range of exciting activities with qualified instructors.  

Over the course of their three-day residential trip, our pupils will improve their confidence in the water as they try out activities like kayaking, paddle-boarding, dinghy sailing and keel boating. As well as exciting water sports, they will also get to take part in other activities like crabbing or archery by the sea with their classmates 


PE Curriculum Documents:

PE High Level Plan

PE EYFS Medium Term Plan

PE KS1 Medium Term Plan

PE KS2 Medium Term Plan

Our Curriculum at Nechells Primary

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