
Our Religious Education (RE) curriculum provides our pupils with a broad and balanced understanding of the main faiths around the world. Pupils cover 24 dispositions which are interwoven within all religions. Pupils will have a greater awareness of many festivals and celebrations that are celebrated by a range of religions; as a result, pupils will recognise how followers of the religion celebrate, and will have a greater tolerance and mutual respect of their faith. Pupils will also recognise some of the main views held by many religions and those who do not believe or follow a particular faith.  

The 24 dispositions are covered three times throughout a child’s education with us. This enables pupils to have a greater grasp of the disposition through a variety of religious faiths and beliefs. 

Pupils will have developed a spiritual awareness which will enable them to become happy and healthy within our ever-evolving modern-day society.  Pupils will recognise the views, beliefs and opinions of many faiths including those without a faith; as a result pupils will develop their moral understanding of many issues within our daily lives. 

Vocabulary is taught explicitly so that pupils have a greater grasp of technical and subject specific vocabulary and they can relay this throughout a unit of work.  


RE Curriculum Documents:

High-level plan RE

Disposition Overview


Our Curriculum at Nechells Primary

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