We whole-heartedly value the work of our pupil leaders in school and aim to shape them into leaders of the future, ready for work, ready for the world. We strive to craft confident and articulate leaders who can share their views to any audience and apply their leadership skills to real life situations.

The aim of the various teams within the Pupil Leadership Team is to enable children the chance to have leadership within the school, ensuring that their voices and opinions are heard.

At Nechells, we actively encourage children to challenge, discuss and debate issues which are important to them.  Our children feel safe to share their opinions and viewpoints.  This is gathered in a range of ways including through pupil voice surveys, PSHE lessons and pupil voice suggestion boxes.

At Nechells Primary we are keen to provide all pupils with the chance to have responsibility. This may be within their class and classroom environment or as a whole school responsibility.

We have a range of opportunities that pupils can participate in. Here are some of the roles on offer for our pupils:

  • School Council
  • House Team Captains
  • Eco Council
  • Sports Leaders
  • Wellbeing Champions
  • Librarians

Every year our pupils take part in a democratic election to nominate and vote for their school council representative for each class. Our school council are split into smaller committees with a specific focus, these are: Behaviour, Curriculum, Enrichment and Safeguarding; each school council representative is assigned to a committee. We meet on a regular basis as a whole team but also within our smaller committees. Records of meeting are kept by our secretary (who the children elect) and we have a chair and vice chair who lead each meeting. We also have a treasurer who supports with counting and administering any money from fundraising.

Our House Team captains take responsibility for collecting the house points each week and motivating their house team to collect as many house points as possible. They are an integral part of our house point system helping school leaders to map out our annual programme of inter-house competitions, organise and motivate teams and help to distribute prizes.

Our Eco-Council is made up of representatives from each year group. These children meet on a regular basis and decide on important steps that we can take as a school to raise environmental awareness, improve the school environment and create financial savings for our school as well as a whole host of other issues.

Each class has a sports leader. The sports leader’s role is to encourage their peers to engage and take part with sport and physical activity. They also collect information on the times and finishing places during sporting activities and events. These leaders work closely with our Sports Partnership to ensure we take part in as many county and school games activities and competitions both within our academy and against other schools.

Our wellbeing champions work closely with our Mental Health lead. They meet to develop our provision for mental health and contribute to our school and trust’s bigger strategy on supporting the mental health and well-being of all people within our school.

We have librarians who represent every class. They play a crucial role ensuring that we have an engaging, varied collection of books in our library for all to read. They help to place reading at the heart of the school through a range of ways including asking peers which books they would like to be available to them, reminding pupils to read regularly at home and return their school diary, promoting class authors and working in our school library. Our librarians also support our Reading Parent Champion with the organisation and delivery of reading in our school library.

Project School Pet

As a school council we meet regularly to discuss a range of aspects about our school and community. One of the recent things we discussed was getting a school pet as all of the children were keen to have the opportunity to care for an animal.

We decided to create an action plan of what we needed to do. Our action plan is attached below:

Our School Pet Action Plan

Pupil council were tasked with speaking to their classes to think of a pet which would be suitable. We fed back all of our ideas and took a vote with the winner being a chicken. We decided this pet would be the best because it was an outdoor pet that required the least amount of time required to take care of the pet and make sure they were happy.

We also decided this would be a great pet to have as they will lay eggs which can be used to cook with in school and our younger children could participate in the egg hatching project which they have done in previous years.


Our Curriculum at Nechells Primary

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