Domestic abuse is when one grown-up hurts or bullies another grown-up who is or was their partner, or who is in the same family.

Domestic abuse can happen between people who are boyfriend and girlfriend or who are married.

It can happen when people live together or in different houses, and usually (but not always) it is the man who hurts the woman.

Although domestic abuse happens between grown-ups, children can be affected by the abuse that they see and hear. Children can also be hurt or bullied as part of domestic abuse.

What is domestic abuse?

Domestic abuse can be

  • Physical – for example, hitting, pushing, kicking
  • Emotional – sayings things to frighten the other person or make them feel bad
  • Sexual – making someone do sexual things that they don’t want to
  • Financial – such as taking away the other person’s money, or not letting them get a job

Everyone has the right to be and feel safe

Domestic abuse is a repeated pattern of behaviour. Grown-ups use domestic abuse to control other people. If someone in your family is abusive, remember it’s not your fault.

If this is happening in your family, remember that you are not alone. Domestic abuse happens in many families and there are people that can help you and your family.

Empower yourself with knowledge!

The Hide Out: Women’s Aid have created this space to help young people understand domestic abuse, and how to take positive action if it’s happening to you.

Childline: Find out more about domestic abuse and how to cope if you are feeling unsafe.

How much do you know about domestic abuse?

Use these questions to see how much you really know about domestic abuse:

Find out more about respect

The big talk – respect

The big talk – healthy vs unhealthy relationships

Check out these videos

Best friends – friendship


Resolving conflict

Do you need help?

If you are worried about domestic abuse or something that is happening at home then please speak out, we are here to support you.

  • Please speak to a member of staff in your academy or another grown up you trust
  • In an emergency, please ring the police on 999 for immediate help

Childline (0800 1111) is a free, 24-hour telephone helpline for children and young people anywhere in the UK. Trained counsellors offer comfort, support, advice and protection. Calls to Childline are confidential, and are free even from mobiles.

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